What is Technology Consulting & Advisory Services (TAS) with Tangoe?

Tangoe’s Technology Consulting & Advisory Services, occasionally referred to as Tangoe Advisory Services (TAS), is our technology consulting service that helps companies gain greater visibility and control over their technology expenses. Our team of 60+ technology expense management experts save companies +$250M each year. They specialize in the areas of telecommunications, mobile devices, and cloud services including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS).

With the help of Tangoe’s Technology Consultants, CIOs and CFOs can make more informed investment decisions, leveraging market price indexes and $34B in IT spending intelligence across hundreds of global service providers. TAS contract negotiation artists help clients digitally innovate, upgrading to the latest technologies while getting the best contract terms at the lowest price available. Through customized engagements, the TAS team is trained in discovering the client’s existing technology services and assets to benchmark or baseline costs, identify capability gaps, quantify potential overspending, and execute fully on these insights. This way, IT and finance leaders can uncover new opportunities for cost and service optimization, getting the end-to-end support they need to migrate to new technologies and services. Learn more by reading our 2024 IT Trends and Savings Recommendations.

Here are five reasons you can trust our Technology Consulting & Advisory Services:

  • 60 technology consultants serving companies across every industry with 250+ years of combined experience
  • $34B in IT spending insights target more sources of technology savings
  • Clients save 15-30% on their IT costs on average
  • 400+ service contracts negotiated annually by professional negotiation artists
  • Price indexes and spending trends tracked across 400 providers and 200 countries

Anytime a company is trying to reevaluate its IT spending and list of assets, cut technology costs, or simply migrate to a new technology cost effectively, Tangoe Advisory Services (TAS) can help.

Trained consultants manage costs by ensuring that IT investments deliver value to the business without overburdening resources. This way, CIOs, CTOs, and CFOs can maintain a lean list of tech services and make room for more investments in digital innovation. This is essential in making IT financially sustainable for the long term. TAS brings a mountain of intelligence to strategic investment decision making, because the team observes how the economy, new technologies, and new players in the market impact buying decisions. Learn more about IT spending trends as observed by the TAS team.

Tangoe Advisory Services Solves these Common Cost Management Problems

  • IT Overspending: Cut costs and reevaluate IT spending
    • Audit existing tech services and assets to establish an accurate list and benchmark your current spending, seeing where the bulk of your spending comes from and where it’s growing or shrinking
    • Identify opportunities to reduce service and operating costs — a cost savings assessment compares your current expenses to industry-leading prices, quantifying any overspending and the amount of savings you could gain from switching providers
    • Explore market prices and see how your service contracts and costs compare to leading prices
  • Poorly Negotiated and Managed RFPs: Renew technology services with leading providers and low service prices
    • Develop an informed needs assessment, understanding who uses what and how
    • Get a list of industry-leading providers and prices, comparing your costs across the best prices in the industry
    • Negotiate service provider contracts with the help of professionals
    • Manage RFP processes from end-to-end, simplifying due diligence processes for in-house procurement teams
  • Digital Transformation Failures: Achieve ROI on IT services and innovation investments
    • Conduct an ROI analysis to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investments
    • Understand the effectiveness of your IT spend across the cloud, mobile, and telecom services
    • Identify where services are being used efficiently and where resources are getting wasted (going unused or underutilized)
    • Get advice on current technology solutions and digital transformation initiatives
    • Define the strategy and plan for adopting emerging technologies
    • Execute innovation plans, staff augmentation services to implement and migrate over to new technologies

Check out these use cases for hiring Tangoe’s cost management consultants, or read more in our brochures on Tangoe Advisory Services for Telecom and Tangoe Advisory Services for Mobile.

The TAS team designs a customized project to solve specific client problems and answer questions unique to client situations, thus techniques vary. However, the following projects are commonly used to dive deep into enterprise spending, costs, optimization, and innovation projects.

  • Audit & Optimization Projects: Discovery services to uncover an up-to-date list of services and expenses, exploring opportunities to reduce costs and drive efficiencies — see detailed description below or read our brochure
  • Strategic Sourcing Projects: Cost and price benchmarking/baselining services, vendor contract negotiation services, and RFP support to help companies transition to new, more cost-effective services
  • Digital Transformations and IT Roadmap Projects: Strategic consulting to evaluate how technology investments align with business goals, drive business value, and can support future innovation and growth. This service can also be helpful after mergers, acquisitions, and divestiture activities spur changes in IT services.
  • Staff Augmentation: Project management and human support to ensure technology migrations, deployments, and service cutovers run smoothly — Examples include:

Tangoe Advisory Audit & Optimization Services

Tangoe Advisory Services focuses on contracts, invoice validation, and usage optimization. We carefully review all applicable invoices, uncover previously overlooked errors, and pursue credits on your behalf. Our audit professionals have decades of experience in the telecom, mobile and cloud industries and are based in different countries to allow our clients to do projects locally or regionally, using a rigorous methodology to deliver as much cost savings as possible. Our technology audit methodology is the most rigorous in the industry allowing us to effectively produce savings for our clients.

As part of an initial, one-time audit or project-based billing audit, the TAS team uncovers savings and cost avoidance that have gone undetected. This step brings your audit and validation current. Typically, the process takes about 4 months from start to finish, although timelines can vary depending on the availability of information. Read more info on Audit & Optimization with Tangoe.

Learn more about technology audits, benchmarking, and expert contract negotiations.

Tangoe Advisory Services are the perfect complement to the Tangoe One technology expense management solution and what it does for Tangoe customers. When the work of cost optimization requires humans to act with a deeper level of evaluation and expertise, Tangoe’s cost management consultants can support your team.

Audit & Optimization Services: Need to take stock of your IT services? Advisors show you what you have and how effectively you’re using technologies, offering actionable recommendations.

Pricing Intelligence: Are your services priced correctly? Let cost management consultants benchmark your services, compare them against the market’s best pricing indexes, and negotiate the right deal for you.

Digital Transformation: Need help evaluating and implementing new technologies? Lean on our advisors to assess, recommend, and project manage your innovation.

Here are the top best practices from Tangoe’s technology consultants.

Learn more about how organizations found cost savings by utilizing our products together with TAS:

IT purchasing decisions should be made with the support of technology experts who evaluate and understand how hundreds of companies successfully invest in IT. With Tangoe Advisory Services, clients get access to 60 IT cost management consultants who are engaged in hundreds of cost-reduction projects each year, saving companies as much as 20% or more on their IT spend. The benefits of their services include:

Cost Reductions and Realized Savings

When companies need to “create budget” to support their digital innovation efforts, TAS steps in showing IT and financial leaders where they can gain the most savings and how much they can save. From finding new ways to save and chasing down any credits owed by vendors to recommending alternative service providers and championing any necessary change in services, TAS is a full-service cost optimization service.

Learn more about a free cost savings assessment from Tangoe Advisory Services.

The Best Service Contract Terms at the Lowest Available Price

Professional support for contract negotiations and RFP engagements performed by negotiation artists. When procurement teams need to know how their company is using IT services and how much they’re spending, TAS comes forward with critical information and stands ready to support procurement in a variety of ways from fully handling RFPs to recommending new providers, negotiating contracts on your behalf, or just supporting your procurement team with the information they need to land the best deal.

Smarter Tech Investments: Know What You Have and Where to Invest Next

TAS helps you maximize your investments, contextualizing decisions with one of the most comprehensive benchmarking and pricing databases in the industry paired with our wealth of experience.

TAS offers extensive support in identifying, preparing, implementing, measuring and monitoring digital transformation, and helping to manage and mitigate any associated risks. This includes inventory discovery to provide visibility into global costs, service providers, and existing expense baselines. We help clients understand areas of opportunities, technologies and best practices. TAS will develop initial service baseline and cost / financial models, provide guidance on vendor selection, provide service migration and measure ROI on the transformation initiatives globally.

Support for Digital Transformation Projects

Changing technologies and services requires support and TAS is here to augment your IT staff during these critical transitions. The TAS team can evaluate, monitor, and guide the development and execution of a client’s technology transition plans with solutions based on specific business requirements and objectives. Examples include supporting and evaluating technologies related to transitions from legacy voice to SIP/VoIP solutions, establishing Unified Communications (UCaaS) solutions, transitioning from outsourced models to alternative in-sourced/managed voice and data solutions, migrations to outsourced solutions, global data networks, SD-WAN, SASE, and more.

Staff Augmentation refers to outsourced resources hired on a temporary project basis to complete a specific assignment(s) that a company either doesn’t have the bandwidth or knowledge base for, or simply makes more sense from a financial or time-to-launch standpoint. Tangoe’s TAS team offers temp in-house IT expense management experts, to assist with various telecom, mobile and/or cloud projects including transition, implementation and wide-scale deployments. We act as an extension of our clients’ teams.