Global Biotech Fast-Tracks SD-WAN Service Quotes, Drives $1M in Savings

Quote management accelerates network modernization across 300 global locations

The Challenge: Fund Innovation by Saving $1M with SD-WAN

This global biotech leader uses science and technology to push the limits of possibility, and funding more digital transformation was on the minds of top executives. IT leaders knew they could make room in the IT budget by leveraging software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) technology to both cut costs and upgrade the corporate network. Their plan: Achieve $1M in savings by transitioning to cost-effective dedicated internet access (DIA). The reality: An arduous undertaking and a project where progress had slowed due to a lack of IT resources to support it.

With more than 300 global locations and countless telecom service providers supporting them, the process of network transformation was all-consuming. The IT team had identified 75 sites for the first phase of SD- WAN deployment but stopped short of vendor selection. Aware of how long the procurement process could take, and their inefficiencies that may lie in wait, they knew it was time to call in professional reinforcements. Tangoe’s Advisory Services consultants not only helped the biotech get back on track but fast-track their modernization plan, creating immediate and long-term savings to hit their targeted $1M.






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The Solution: Rapid Procurement for Global SD-WAN Services

As an extension of the customer’s IT team, Tangoe experts immediately went to work putting their network services out to bid, ensuring the lowest possible price using a powerhouse combination of deep domain expertise and Tangoe’s automated telecom quote and order management platform. As a result, the team quickly requested bulk order quotes for DIA and MPLS services across 25 different locations at a time, pulling in competitive offers from multiple providers. Tangoe helped cross-compare them to streamline purchasing and maximize savings.

Centralized management across all provider correspondence kept communications clear and organized, allowing quotes to be quickly compared, routed for approval, and then initiated into an order. With key fields auto populated and electronically tracked in their telecom inventory as a new asset or service, management was streamlined.

Outside of SD-WAN procurement, Tangoe was instrumental in opening the door to oft-overlooked savings
in the form of renegotiated MPLS services. An SD-WAN transition of this magnitude rarely eliminates all MPLS circuits and migration to DIA takes time, so Tangoe seized the opportunity to renegotiate contracts for costly MPLS services coming up for renewal. In going through the company’s network site-by-site – auditing services, clarifying assets and costs, and benchmarking service rates against market-leading pricing – Tangoe helped the biotech seize every opportunity to save.

The Outcome: $1M in Savings and Accelerated Deployment

The biotech company will save $1M over the long term, achieving their initial goal. Renegotiated MPLS services created immediate savings and DIA migrations continue to generate savings as SD-WAN is deployed across 300 locations.

Tangoe’s automated approach to procurement and quote management also helped the IT team significantly save time – nearly 700 hours — and facilitate smarter purchasing decisions for faster deployment. With Tangoe’s industry-leading expertise and telecom expense management platform, the company did a rapid about-face to fast track global SD-WAN innovation and internet-based cost savings, accelerating processes by at least 5 months.