Tangoe Advisory Services
for Mobile

Need deep domain expertise to help you optimize mobile spending and save on corporate mobile data plans? Have a critical IoT project or equipment upgrade that needs to be managed to completion? Want to understand the going rates for smartphone services, so you can get the best deal and the best contract terms, for an average 30% savings

Mobile advisors are ready to assist you.

Tangoe offers a variety of mobile spend management services to maximize your mobility or IoT programs. A team of highly experienced mobile technology professionals are at your disposal and can conduct a myriad of consulting engagements tailored to meet your specific needs. Tangoe’s services team works with businesses of all sizes to advance innovation strategies, deploy new technologies, address risk, and lower your mobile equipment and service costs. 


Savings on
A Team Of Highly Experienced Telecom Professionals

Inventory Services: Build a Catalog of Your Carrier Services

Are you confident that you have a handle on every mobile asset you are paying for?  Do you have an up-to-date inventory of every service and the rates and terms? Tangoe will take on the painstakingly tedious, but critical, task of building out a complete database of your mobility services.  We work on your behalf to collect all invoices and contracts and then create actionable insights for you to save and drive efficiencies. Having an accurate inventory is the primary way IT teams can mitigate overspending and waste, and Tangoe can build that for you.  

What You Get:

  • A comprehensive database of all your mobile services
  • Tracked details including carriers, invoices, costs, billing discrepancies, and more
  • Actionable insights helping you reduce costs and drive efficiencies

What You'll Love:

  • Save Time: Most companies spend hours compiling their own inventory, distracting valuable resources from focus on core business needs
  • Speed & Accuracy: Streamlined processes ensure information accuracy and speedy buildout
  • Quantified Savings: Prioritized action items show you the value of each recommendation.

Rates & Savings Analysis: Benchmarked Against Market Price Indexes

Want to see what the going rates are to ensure you’re not overpaying? Is your mobile contract term up and do you want to understand market rates to leverage in your negotiation? Tangoe has a database of $34B in technology spend across hundreds of global providers and thousands of enterprises. Simply put you provide your current Mobile contract, and we’ll show you what you could be spending based on today’s market rates across a myriad of providers. 

What You Get:

  • Complete gap to market analysis, including a detailed baseline of current services vs. spend.
  • Thorough evaluation of current providers and services/plans against prevailing market rates.
  • Savings opportunities to leverage in new mobile agreement

What You'll Love:

  • Visibility: A holistic view of current mobile services and associated costs.
  • Cost Savings: Insight into current market data ensures you have competitive rates and an advantage in negotiations.

Audit & Optimization Services: Cost and Efficiency Recommendations

Would leveraging a third party to identify savings across your mobile services be beneficial? Looking for ways to shore up your mobile spend and ensure all services are delivering on your needs? Tangoe will audit your invoices and identify billing issues, disputes, or over-charges, evaluate mobile plans, and analyze usage to uncover opportunities to improve efficiency.  The team takes a holistic approach that uses proven discovery techniques and patented technologies to maximize savings. 

What You Get:

  • Comprehensive review and recommendations to optimize and save on mobile spend.
  • Analysis of current spend against contracted rates, plans and terms.
  • Tactical guidance and specific actions to realize identified savings.

What You'll Love:

  • Save Money: Eliminate assets that aren’t in use; modify plans or rates for maximum efficiency
  • Visibility: See your entire mobile estate and contract commitments.

Contract Negotiation Services: Get The Best Rates and Terms

Do you have the latest market pricing and terms to negotiate the best deal? Would leveraging a third-party negotiator save you time and provide better results? Tangoe has a team of highly experienced carrier negotiators who annually support hundreds of enterprises with their contract negotiations. They tap into a $34B database of mobile spend across hundreds of providers and can leverage those insights to your advantage.  Why not tap into their expertise so your resources can focus on more innovation for your company. 

What You Get:

  • Expert negotiators with access to in-depth data to ensure you get the most market competitive rates
  • Expertise on virtually all mobile providers around the globe to leverage insights
  • Peace of mind that you’re maximizing your IT spend

What You'll Love:

  • Save Time: We take on the task so you can focus on your core business and innovative initiatives
  • Optimized Mobile Agreements: Industry-leading business terms and rates

Mobile Security Review: Device Policy Experts Help You Stay Secure

Would you benefit from having an expert third party assess your current mobile device policies and recommend changes to improve your security posture? Want to make sure you have the latest terms in your policy to protect from cybersecurity threats that meet NIST best practice standards? Tangoe has the experience and knowledge to provide you with an evaluation of your existing device policy and make recommendations to thwart data thefts and security breaches Tangoe will conduct a thorough audit and provide ways to improve the security of your mobile assets. 

What You Get:

  • Expert third-party evaluation of your Mobile Device Policy.
  • Recommendations to modify your policy aligned to your security requirements.

What You'll Love:

  • Insights: Detail and evaluation of all mobile management policies across your enterprise.
  • Efficiency: Save time by tapping into experts who have experience across all mobile assets and carriers

Deployment & Project Management: Resources to Accelerate Results

Need some help managing an enterprise-wide mobile refresh project? Moving to new technologies and looking for help to accelerate the project? Tangoe can not only help you identify the best go-forward technology solutions but also assist in the transition. ITIL-certified project managers will ensure every detail is addressed in the order it needs to be. We can take on as much or as little of your technology shift and can be a resource to lean on throughout the transition. 

What You Get:

  • Guidance from a team of industry experts who will assist you by project managing the process of swapping out your employees’ mobile technologies in any capacity you define
  • Proven methodologies and plans to ensure minimal disruption to your business

What You'll Love:

  • Save Time: with experts at your disposal to manage the day-to-day projects so that you can focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Less Downtime: minimized disruption to employees while migrating to the new technologies

Program & Lifecycle Management: Experts Manage Your Mobility Lifecycle

Need an expert third-party to provide the visibility and control you need to optimize your mobile fleet and realize cost savings? Looking for a full lifecycle solution to effectively manage your mobile inventory, support, and expenses? With Tangoe, you can eliminate the administrative burden by tapping into Tangoe experts to manage your end-to-end mobile lifecycle from placing orders, managing your inventory, processing expenses, optimizing assets and more.

What You Get:

  • Expert third-party management of your mobile fleet across the full lifecycle
  • End-to-end management of your mobile devices to ensure business continuity

What You'll Love:

  • Efficiency: Save time tapping into experts to manage the day-to-day projects so you can focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Cost Savings: Flag unused assets, billing discrepancies, and identify cost savings opportunities so you get the most value on your mobile investments.

Mobile and IoT Assessments: Identify The Optimal Model

Want to tap into an expert third party to evaluate your existing mobile data plans? Need to understand whether unlimited or pooled models will be more beneficial for your organization? Tangoe analyzes all of your mobile data usage and will recommend mobile devices, mobile carriers, wireless plans and more to ensure you have the most cost effective and efficient fleet – and keep your mission critical mobile solutions up and running.

What You Get:

  • Expert third-party evaluation of your existing mobile landscape and recommendations upon your business requirements
  • Insights on available data plans, providers and terms in the market to ensure the best business outcomes

What You'll Love:

  • Visibility into current market data that will help shape your go forward mobile landscape
  • Cost Savings: find the right plan, the right devices, the right providers and terms to optimize spend.