Device Lifecycle Management for Business Success 

No business can survive today without smartphones, laptops, and mobile devices, which attests to the fact that efficient device lifecycle management has emerged as a crucial determinant of success. As companies grapple with the challenges of administering larger and larger fleets as well as a growing cacophony of associated applications, the significance of streamlined management strategies becomes increasingly evident. In this article, we explore why mobile technologies serve as a lifeline for businesses and the study findings that can help financial and IT executives strike a balance between security, employee satisfaction, and mobile cost effectiveness. 

The Imperative of Device Lifecycle Management  

A recent study performed by Vanson Bourne, sheds light on the imperative of effective device lifecycle management. According to the report, which surveyed 300 IT decision-makers, businesses are encountering a pressing challenge. While every company acknowledges the pivotal role of mobile devices, this dependency often places an overwhelming burden on already strained IT resources. In their quest to address the dual demands of heightened security and enhanced productivity, businesses are reevaluating their traditional approach to mobile management. 

Navigating the Complexities of Device Management 

The study also sheds light on a range of challenges faced by businesses as they grapple with managing their mobile ecosystems. Remarkably, all surveyed companies acknowledge the struggle with mobile device management due to recruitment and retention hurdles. But other challenges encompass sourcing new mobile assets, inventory management, helpdesk support, and the intricacies of reverse logistics. In a striking finding, 89% of respondents express dissatisfaction with their mobile device helpdesk. 

Devices and their Impact on IT Resources and the Bottom Line 

The escalating reliance on mobile devices places a tangible toll on IT teams, siphoning approximately one-third of their productivity and resources. This is particularly noteworthy in light of the current staff churn rates of 17%. With a staggering 65% of companies being entirely dependent on mobile devices and an average of 68,000 devices in use per organization, the strain on IT operations is undeniable. 

Moreover, the symbiotic relationship between business continuity and mobile services underscores the pivotal role of device fleets in preventing revenue losses. The statistics underscore this reality: more than 30% of annual revenue could be at risk due to malfunctioning mobile assets, and the projected loss per hour of downtime across these assets is an astounding $4 million. 

Balancing Device Security and Employee Satisfaction 

The study illuminates a critical dilemma in device management: the delicate balance between security imperatives and employee satisfaction. Despite concerns expressed by over half of respondents about Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approaches, which they link to security and data breach worries, the evolution of mobile experiences necessitates a strategic shift to corporate ownership models. 

Remarkably, over 81% of companies intend to revise their ownership approach to enhance security measures and optimize mobile return on investment. Landing the right strategy will be pivotal in meeting the evolving needs of employees while safeguarding critical company information. 

Business Success with Mobile Lifecycle Management Services 

Effectively addressing the intricacies of mobile device lifecycle management requires a comprehensive strategy. As pointed out by Zeus Kerravala, founder and principal analyst for ZK Research, the complexities of managing mobile devices surpass those of traditional PCs and laptops due to the diverse range of apps, operating systems, and device types unique to mobile devices. Learn more in ZK Research’s Buyer’s Guide to Managed Mobility Solutions 

This is where Mobile Management Services (MMS) come into play. The report highlights the affirmative impact of MMS investments, with a resounding 90% reporting positive ROI. Notably, leveraging full lifecycle MMS solutions like Tangoe’s has led to a 15-30% reduction in IT costs. This strategic approach yields a myriad of advantages, including improved business uptime, heightened productivity, enhanced security, and reduced costs. 

Perhaps most significantly, the study suggests that organizations could save an estimated 52% of IT operations time by outsourcing mobile device management. This underscores the potential efficiencies gained from collaborating with experts capable of overseeing the complete device lifecycle – from sourcing and procurement to recycling and secure data wiping

In conclusion, the insights provided by the Vanson Bourne report present a compelling argument for businesses to embrace mobile device lifecycle management services. In a landscape marked by mobile complexity and high-stake security demands, a strategic approach to effective management becomes indispensable. By recognizing the value of the Tangoe One Mobile platform, businesses can unlock a new era of streamlined, secure, and productive device lifecycle management. These strategies empower organizations to harness their workforce’s potential, fortify security measures, and navigate the mobile revolution with confidence.