Clients Keep Coming Back to Tangoe —Here’s Why 

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If you’re like me, you’re well acquainted with the great restaurant debate – do you stick with your favorite dish or do you venture out, trying the chef’s new special?  

Sometimes exploring the new shiny thing leads to that yearning for what you already know and love, and the same can be said about Tangoe. In an extremely competitive environment, we see our customers switching to an alternative telecom expense management or cloud spend management provider, only to return to us again later. In fact, we have seen a flood of “boomerang clients” lately – several every month over the past six months or more.  

Why do clients keep coming back to Tangoe? Rest assured we ask that question, and the consistent answer is the quality of the customer experience. Here’s a quick summary of what we’re hearing: 

  • “We had no faith that our service would improve.” 
  • “The ease of doing business with Tangoe is far better than [Provider Name].” 
  • “With Tangoe, we’re assured a consistent level of service delivery.” 
  • “Our service quality was deteriorating over time. [Provider Name] is slow to communicate and lacks responsiveness.” 

Beware! What is even more telling is the fact that 98% of boomerang clients are returning to us from one specific competitor in the market. Lackluster providers are pitfalls to avoid. Don’t miss our tips on how to avoid implementation nightmares and steer clear of an inventory dumpster dive

Managing IT Finances: Service Matters More with Ongoing Programs 

Boomerang clients teach us a very important lesson: The customer experience makes a meaningful difference when it comes to managing IT finances and controlling the rising costs of cloud infrastructure, SaaS applications, mobile devices, and legacy communications services like POTS or PSTN.  

The criticality of service quality makes sense when you consider that expense management isn’t a do-it-yourself exercise where in-house teams simply rely on software, taking a one-and-done approach to cost cutting. This is cost governance and financial IT service management. Like the words suggest, it’s an ongoing practice where a strong vendor-client partnership helps companies mature in their strategy with evolving policies, models, and a culture around cost management.  

Money saving insight grows rich in context when you can see trends month-over-month and year-over-year. Moreover, we see our clients incrementally expand the scope of their savings, starting first with telecom service and cost optimization before they advance into mobile device cost management and cloud cost control using a FinOps framework.  

Having a partner can make all the difference in cost management maturity:  

  • Assessing the current state of IT services and expense management,  
  • Accelerating the “crawl, walk, run” process, and 
  • Achieving business outcomes and enabling a broader scale of savings. 

Service Excellence: The Tangoe Difference 

The bottom line is clients circle back to Tangoe because we offer the industry’s best customer experience. Here’s what our service experience looks like and why Tangoe is the smartest choice for your expense management partner.  

Service Excellence 

Global Reach & Coverage 

  • 206 countries + 13+ languages 
  • 129 currencies 
  • Help Desk in 16 languages 
  • EMEA hosting 

Broadest Ecosystem of Partners 

  • 400+ global providers 
  • 500+ SaaS providers 
  • 4 major IaaS providers 
  • ServiceNow integration 
  • Tangoe for Apple  

Experience & Leadership 

  • Pioneered TEM 20+ years ago 
  • Visionary Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Mobility Services, Global 
  • 370,000 Invoices processed monthly 
  • $15B in spend under management 

Learn more about the Tangoe Difference.