Global Logistics Leader Realizes $1.4M in Mobile and Telecom Savings

Mobile Spend Management Solution Clears the Haze off a Complex Cost Environment Spanning 110,000+ Devices

The Challenge:

Location tracking is par for the course for this global logistics leader but tracking mobile and telecom expenses had slowly become a major pain point. With 110,000+ U.S. employees, the organization had an outdated list of its mobile devices and had lost track of which employees used which devices and how. This made it difficult to gain control over mobility spending, as the company grappled with governing telecom expenses according to their budget, particularly in North America. Two specific business units had essentially reached a breaking point where they could no longer manually manage mobility under one person.

The company needed a single, tightly integrated control center for managing mobile and telecom expenses across their complex environment with a high degree of accuracy and expert support in aiding their efforts.


In savings





The Solution:

The logistics leader partnered with Tangoe to clear the haze of their mobile and telecom expenditures by updating their inventory of mobile devices and spend. The Tangoe One technology expense management (TEM) platform provided one platform for actionable insights about their mobile and telecom usage and expenditures. Tangoe’s Managed Mobility Services platform immediately went to work identifying, managing, and securing all devices and expenses in real-time with actions guided by advanced analytics, ensuring end-to-end mobile lifecycle management. Meanwhile, the Tangoe Advisory Services team performed an audit to gain a comprehensive view of the company’s assets to ensure all investments were contributing value to the business.

Tangoe’s AI-powered platform combed through thousands of pages in the company’s telecom carrier services contracts and identified countless optimization opportunities related to contract rate adherence, surcharges and tax validation, disconnected and duplicate services, unused phone services, billing errors, and applicable discounts that could drive down costs.

Tangoe identified an estimated $1.4M in mobile and telecom savings for the company’s North American business units, and the Tangoe Advisory Services team put a plan in place to realize these identified savings, capitalizing on confirmed opportunities. This plan included right-sizing phone services, removing obsolete services, identifying “partial” disconnects, and getting uncontracted service pricing reduced, among other optimization efforts.

Tangoe Managed
Mobility Services

Tangoe One Telecom
Expense Management

Tangoe Audit and
Optimization Services

The Outcome:

As a result, the logistics leader saved approximately $1.4M in mobile and telecom costs. Overall, the company streamlined financial management leveraging Tangoe’s broad range of automated processes to sharpen visibility and control over expenses with a centralized source of truth, detailed reporting, and analytics. Tangoe’s AI-powered platform ensures continuous optimization by uncovering billing errors, driving efficiencies in day-to-day administration, and strengthening compliance and security.