Emerging Technology 2022: What to Consider for Your Business

Emerging Technology 2022: What to Consider for Your Business

As organizations across the world continue to pivot to a work-from-anywhere mindset, the need for new technology infrastructure grows ever greater. Some of the top enterprise technology trends for 2022 revolve around making employees more connected, productive, and collaborative no matter where they are. 

Some of these technologies are already available, but will see greater adoption in 2022, as first-adopters give ground to the mainstream. Others will see slower adoption throughout the year, leading to a gradual increase in utilization as the end of the decade grows closer. Regardless, each of these emerging technologies deserve close consideration from organizations interested in adapting to a remote-first work culture. 


As 4G’s successor, 5G network technology offers speeds 100 times faster than its predecessor. That massive boost in connectivity offers some obvious benefits for teams—greater response times to messages, larger volumes of data being transferred, and an overall faster experience for anyone using the network. 

That’s on the tip of the iceberg. There are further advantages that can empower greater growth within an organization. For starters, the ability to take one’s mobile devices virtually anywhere and stay connected is now a reality. Slow buffering and lag on smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices are quite literally a thing of the past, thanks to 5G’s wider adoption. 

The wider adoption of 5G throughout 2022 will allow organizations of all sizes to make improvements to their work-from-anywhere productivity model. The ability to collaborate with other organizations also utilizing this technology means our world is increasingly mobile first.  

One roadblock to this change: Legacy devices. Not all smartphones can connect to 5G; among iPhone models, for example, only 12 and above have this capability. As a result, companies will also be looking for ways to update much—or even all—of their mobile fleet to gain the edge 5G provides. 

One solution: Device as a Service (DaaS). Rather than pay for the upgrade outright, organizations can use a service model to handle procurement, provisioning, and even replacement for legacy devices, bringing the cost of a fleet upgrade down significantly. These modern service models, coupled with the latest in technology, are a game-changer for organizations seeking a competitive edge. 

Internet of Things (IoT) 

Smartphones and tablets aren’t the only devices empowered by the 5G revolution. and other purpose-built devices can also bring new functionality to organizations thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). 

Simply put, these smart objects collect data and transmit information via the internet, often using 5G connectivity for always-on availability. The widespread nature of applications in IoT means virtually every industry—from healthcare to manufacturing to technology development and beyond—stands to gain from implementing these devices. 

While IoT has already taken off in terms of adoption, with about 35 billion currently connected, 2022 is expected to reveal some new, engaging trends. 

The main focus heading into the new year is on security. With more and more data being transferred across an ever-increasing array of devices, IoT provides more insights than ever before—and a greater risk of data leaks, if security protocols aren’t met. Moreover, both the wireless networks that connect IoT and the devices themselves must be secured separately to ensure security compliance. 

Monitoring IoT network access has historically been a challenge, albeit one that’s become more accessible as of late. Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) offers the holistic oversight needed to gain a deeper view into analytics, including potential cases of fraud. These types of services, combined with growing IoT infrastructure, will expand in 2022 to meet both productivity and security demands. 

Cloud Connectivity 

Between 2021 and 2022, cloud computing investment is expected to grow from $396 to $482 billion, the largest year-over-year increase yet. Much of this investment will incorporate the technologies we previously discussed, including IoT connectivity, state-of-the-art cybersecurity, and 5G adoption. 

To accommodate this growth, multi-cloud, and hybrid cloud environments are beginning to see wider adoption. Multi-cloud refers to utilizing public cloud environments from more than one vendor, while hybrid involves the adoption of both public and private cloud services. Each approach can create better flexibility for IT projects, but also requires more scrutiny and oversight into invoicing and expense management. 

Streamlining cloud management among this massive growth is a priority for 2022. While multi-cloud and hybrid cloud offer some substantial upsides for organizations of all sizes, avoiding data silos and cost overruns is essential. This further includes data normalization, ensuring the different cloud environments can interact with one another for maximum data efficiency. 

Tangoe’s cloud lifecycle management solution provides both the expense management and optimization needed, no matter the vendor.

Get in touch today to see how each of these solutions can provide a better, more robust infrastructure for 2022 and beyond.