Are Your Managed Mobility Services (MMS) Ready for Prime Time?

Tangoe recognizes the complexities in managing mobile devices and expenses across an enterprise. Making sure your managed mobility solutions (MMS) are up to date is key to thriving in a competitive business environment. Today, more and more companies are rolling back their BYOD programs because of the problems associated with compatibility, application management, and security risks.

That is why we teamed up with Nemertes to dive into the research on why organizations are pulling back from BYOD. 

The Nemertes report unveils the challenges of managing BYOD and the benefits that companies today can gain from Managed Mobility Services.  

Is Your MMS Ready for Prime Time? Cover Image

Here's what you'll learn:

If BYOD is the Right Fit

Many Enterprises are weighing the options between corporate-owned and BYOD programs.

Digital Transformation Means Mobile

Mobile platforms are an increasingly critical component of many organizations’ digital transformation story. But by how much?

How to Lift the Management Burden

What solutions are available that can tame the mischief of a massive mobile program in you business? It depends on what you want to do.