Client Services Privacy Notice

Tangoe likes making complicated things simple and transparent, and so we want to explain how we will use your personal data in a simple and transparent way.

Tangoe is interested in data protection laws because they govern the way we use the personal data (“data”) you give us throughout your time as a user of Tangoe’s services. This Privacy Notice explains how Tangoe uses the data we receive from you, your employer and your organization’s vendors.

Personal data is any information that could be used (directly or indirectly) to identify an individual. That may be anything from a name and address, email address, image or audio recording, IP address, telephone number or any other data that could be used to identify an individual.

We have tried to provide all the information we think you may want to know, but if you have any questions please contact us on [email protected].

Tangoe does not, and will not, sell any data provided by its customers for delivery of services.

Tangoe believes in using your data fairly. We will only use your data for the delivery and support of agreed services or for legal or regulatory purposes. Tangoe will collect, use, retain and delete your data in accordance with the terms of the contract with your organization and this privacy notice.

In order to provide the services your organization has contracted Tangoe to provide, certain personal data is required. Tangoe will only access data that your employer has authorized Tangoe to collect or receive. Tangoe obtains your data from different sources during the following stages of the service lifecycle;

i.    Contract discussions

Certain data is passed to Tangoe to allow the contract to be executed prior to implementation of the services. This will usually be the contact details of individuals within your legal or procurement department and the contact details for your applicable vendors.

For a full breakdown of the data categories click here.

ii.    On boarding and service deliver

Once the contract is signed, Tangoe’s implementation teams will initiate the design and build of the databases and data sharing processes required to provide your services. This data will be updated using information that continues to be provided and created throughout the duration of the services.

For a full breakdown of these data categories, click here.

Note: If you provided data within the sales cycle, via Tangoe websites or marketing events this is managed in line with Tangoe’s Sales and Marketing Privacy Notice.

Tangoe gets your data from a variety of locations and through different media as mutually agreed during the implementation and bespoke to your organization.

Usually, HR information is provided by automated electronic means and used to keep your organization’s data current. Tangoe collects your vendor billing data directly from their portal but where your vendor doesn’t offer a portal, alternative data transfer media such as SFTP, emails or CD’s may be used. Tangoe will generate additional personal data during the provision of services such as systems passwords, user IDs and user logs.

Depending on the services you have contracted Tangoe to provide, or your interactions with Tangoe, additional data may be collected, for example if your organization uses our service center we would raise a ticket to track the progress of your service requests.

For a full breakdown of the ways Tangoe can collect data, click here.

Special data is particularly sensitive personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

Tangoe does not require special categories of data to deliver its services.

Data protection law requires organizations to consider if using data is necessary and lawful. It is Tangoe’s clients’ obligation to ensure its employees’ data is used lawfully, with fair processing notice and to establish the lawful basis for use of Tangoe’s services.

Tangoe will only use your data for the provision, improvement and support of the contracted services; or for legal or regulatory purposes.

Tangoe understands how important confidentiality and appropriate use of your data is to a trustful working relationship. As such your data will only be shared where it is appropriate to do so.

During routine service delivery this means that our employees, across all our subsidiaries, are assigned access based on their alignment with your services and their role within this. Other Tangoe employees may also see limited sections of your data to enable them to fulfil their roles in support of service delivery including those below.

Role Purpose(What do they do?)
Product Engineering Support trouble tickets
Customer Service Delivery of the contracted services which includes the implementation and routine delivery of services.
IT Administrators To support, manage, monitor the systems and supporting environment
Database Administrators Manage the database systems
Finance Team To generate invoices
Compliance Team For audit purposes
Tangoe Advisory Services For delivery of advisory services
Data Protection Team & Information Security For data protection, breach or fraud management, monitoring and investigations. To support in responding to data subjects’ rights requests.

Tangoe may contract with third-party vendors and suppliers to perform certain functions on Tangoe’s behalf or to enhance Tangoe’s existing product and service offerings. Additionally, Tangoe may be obliged to disclose data for legal or regulatory purposes. These third parties will have access to data only to the extent necessary to permit them to do their jobs which may include:

  • Tax regulator or equivalent
  • Tangoe’s external auditors
  • Supervisory Authorities, Government or Regulatory bodies
  • Your employers’ telecom vendors and third-party suppliers for expense management, audit and procurement purpose

Tangoe’s third party suppliers which may include:

  • payment processing services
  • systems’ security, penetration testing, fraud monitoring and prevention
  • email, ticketing, survey or group texting platforms
  • subcontractors, business outsourcing and specialist staff augmentation
  • data receipt, redirection, storage & archiving
  • data hosting centers

Tangoe may disclose data in connection with a reorganization, restructure, merger, sale, or other transfer of assets. Tangoe reserves the right to transfer information, including data, provided that the receiving party contractually agrees to respect your data in a manner that is consistent with Tangoe’s Data Protection Policy and your organization’s data processing agreement.

Tangoe will not sell your data to a third party.

Tangoe is a global organization with a US parent and our central administration is held in the USA. 

Your key corporate relationship contacts will be held in the USA where it can be viewed, accessed and used by Tangoe employees, and some suppliers to provide the services.

Tangoe’s own software is hosted by third-party providers, all ISO27001 certified. All other third-party cloud providers are certified to a level equivalent to ISO27001/ SOC II/ SSAE18. For the hosting location of your organization’s data please refer to the data processing agreement executed between Tangoe and your organization.

In most instances your data will be accessed by our employees and/or service providers in multiple countries, including some located outside the EU, UK and USA. Where applicable there are standard contractual terms that are to be put in place between your organization and Tangoe. Tangoe’s data processing agreement contains legally required terms including the EU Standard Contractual Clauses and UK’s International Data Transfer Agreement, which protect your data.

The employees, subcontractor, advisors and software providers Tangoe use will vary dependent on the services that your organization has requested. Please refer to the applicable data processing agreement for more detail on which subprocessors are used and where they are located.

Tangoe’s operations are structured into departments which use your data to deliver the element of the TEM service for which they are responsible. The below framework depicts a high-level representation of the data required and the standard key stages in TEM delivery. 

As required by your services, Tangoe will undertake the following Data Processing:

  • collect and use your data directly or from your vendors to provide the services and technical support
  • combine your HR data with your billing data to enable financial and asset management
  • store your data on the service platform/s, email exchange, shared or local drives, third party services and support systems
  • validate the data for errors and exceptions managed
  • normalize the format of the data so it can be loaded into the Tangoe software
  • link telephone numbers to ‘friendly names’, upon client’s request
  • access the data based on job roles and permissions to deliver and support the services
  • analyze the data to generate savings opportunities and identify billing errors
  • create and manage back-ups
  • generate reporting or recommendations
  • return and/or delete from our systems in accordance with your contract terms and Tangoe’s retention schedule
  • upload any patch, update, upgrade or new releases to the services
  • use data for testing and QA purposes under the same level of protection offered on production platforms (where authorized by your organization)
  • use the data for legal and regulatory purposes (e.g. audit, accounting and statutory retention terms), resolve disputes, and for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims
  • analyze and monitor for business planning, resources and financial management related to your services
  • collect user input regarding services and assets
  • automatically track user logins, errors, system changes, access and report generation
  • enable single sign on to Tangoe software
  • anonymize the data for use in reporting and metrics
  • record calls for quality, training or legal purposes
  • audit or monitor data for quality, compliance or security purposes


Where your organization uses the following Tangoe services, these data uses apply;

Type Role
Expense Management Collection of telecom vendor invoices in both electronic and paper formats, normalization of the data and load to your company’s dedicated Expense Management portal. Allocation of invoices to your company’s supplied allocation codes and production of reporting and payment files.
Inventory Management Discovery and maintenance of your company’s billing inventory (mobile and fixed lines) on telecom vendor invoices with associated reporting.
Optimization Billing data is analyzed to produce an optimization report which is provided to your organization containing cost saving or efficiency recommendations. Where recommendations are signed off by customer, Tangoe will effect the change with the vendor. Results, savings and management statistics are generated.
Accounts Payable (AP) File Tangoe maintains your organizational hierarchy and asset register in accordance with the information your organization provides, generates an accounts payable (AP) file based on the structure designed for your organization which is sent on in agreed frequency and format, if required.
Procurement & Fulfilment Tangoe receive procurement requests either through emails, telephone or directly into the ordering system. The requests take the form of modifications, additions, changes and disconnections of devices and are all logged into the internal ordering tool for action. The request status is monitored and communicated back to the requestor at all stages of the process. Requests go through an approval workflow, and once approved are managed by the fulfilment team who ensure the request is completed. Upon completion of the request, the service ticket is closed on our systems. Performance, management and resource statistics are generated.
Audits and Reporting Tangoe conducts an audit of the billing data, identifying billing errors and ensuring compliance with vendor contract terms. Non-conforming items are recorded and reported. Management, savings and statistical reporting is generated.
Audit Dispute Resolution Where Tangoe has identified erroneous charges, a dispute process is following which includes recording the identified items, raising then managing a dispute with the applicable vendor, tracking progress and communicating the outcome back to you. Results, savings and management statistics are generated.
Service Desk Service requests are received via Tangoe’s CRM, email or telephone call from your employees or service team to Tangoe’s service desk where they are worked through the applicable process to close. Tickets are used to record the request or issue, and its progression. Performance and resource metrics are generated. Calls to the service desk may be recorded for quality, training and legal purposes.
Tangoe Pay Payment of telecom vendor invoices by Tangoe on behalf of your company. Vendor invoices and billing data are used to create electronic payment files and verify payment of charges.
Advisory Services Aggregated usage and cost data from telecom invoices is used to develop customer benchmarks and baselines against market rates.

Automated processing of data does take place however no decisions are made that could have legal or other equally significant impact on an individual without human involvement and consideration taking place.

We hope that our organizations will have a sustained and productive collaboration, however if your services should end for any reason the data would be retained, returned, and deleted in accordance with the terms of your organization’s data processing agreements and Tangoe’s retention schedule.

Tangoe takes the security of your data seriously.  Tangoe has internal policies and appropriate security measures designed to prevent your data from being accidently destroyed, lost, misused or disclosed.  Your data is only accessed by Tangoe employees that have a need-to-know to perform their duties and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

Where the organization engages third parties to process personal data on its behalf, they do so on the basis of written instructions, are under a duty of confidentiality and are obliged to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of data.

Data security is very important to Tangoe and, whilst no security controls can ever be 100% effective, Tangoe is committed to driving strong security measures to protect your data’s security, confidentiality, and integrity.

Tangoe has put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify your employer, and any applicable regulator, of a data breach, where we are legally required to do so.

No. Tangoe will not use the data you provide for the delivery of services for direct marketing or sales purposes.

If you have given Tangoe your data during the sales process, via our website or a marketing event, use of that data is covered in Tangoe’s Sales & Marketing Privacy Notice.

The primary contacts for our clients’ relationships will be sent information pertaining to the services and may be invited to join us at special educational or service events such as Tangoe Live.

Data protection legislation gives individuals rights. To find out more about your rights please click here for more guidance on data protection rights or contact your organization’s data protection team.

Tangoe keeps this Privacy Notice under regular review to make sure it is up to date and accurate, and so we may change this Privacy Notice from time to time.  However, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Notice. Updated Privacy Notice’s will be displayed on the Tangoe system and website; the ‘last version date’ tells you when we last updated it.

Tangoe US, Inc. together with its’ global affiliated companies (“Tangoe”) is a leading global provider of Technology Expense Management (TEM) and Managed Mobility Services (MMS) solutions to a wide range of global enterprises. Tangoe helps companies simplify, manage, and optimize the complexity of telecom, mobile, and cloud expenses to improve our customers’ productivity, business continuity, and value creation. You can find out more about Tangoe, what we do and our organization at .

If you have any questions or concerns Tangoe welcomes the opportunity to discuss and help resolve these. Our Data Protection Team can be contacted on [email protected] or 888.855.2795

In some countries, if you feel that Tangoe has not been able to resolve your data related concern you are entitled to make a complaint to a Supervisory Authority, such as the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office.

Copyright, Revision & Ownership
© 2024 Tangoe US., Inc. All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the prior written permission of Tangoe USA.

Revision History
Version: 2.7
Last Version Date: May 9, 2024