Simplify, Manage, and Optimize Microsoft 365 Licenses

Keeping track of your Microsoft 365® licenses can be challenging as people come and go. And given the evolving changes inside every enterprise, ensuring that licenses don’t go unused, that the right type of license is assigned to the right person, and that you’re paying only for what you need can be a burden on IT teams – particularly for high-volume applications. When Microsoft 365 takes center stage as a source for cost optimization, Tangoe can simplify, manage, and optimize M365 and all your critical business applications.

The Most Robust User Analytics for Microsoft 365

A single 365 license can have many sub-products that may or may not be used by the license holder. Think Word®, Outlook®, Excel®, Access®, Visio®, among others. The Tangoe One Cloud for SaaS solution is integrated at the deepest layer that Microsoft will allow, revealing the detailed sub-product utilization for each license holder. This way you get visibility into the type of license assigned (E3 vs E5, etc.) as well as who uses each sub-product and how frequently they use it. Tangoe can even tell you which employees are using Outlook for email and how many OneDrive folders they have. Advanced analytics expose usage patterns helping you:

  • Visualize app usage at higher-levels and at granular levels across the entire organization
  • See how licenses are assigned and NOT assigned, helping to reduce unused resources
  • Downsize licenses without impacting user functionality – a unique Tangoe advantage
  • Make smarter decisions about how many licenses are really needed at each E3 and E5 tier (based on real data) to cover business needs today and with tomorrow’s growth
  • Forecast needs and generate custom financial reports on usage and spending for each stakeholder and department
Advanced Automation for 365 License Management

With comprehensive automation, Tangoe has the most advanced license management capabilities, making it easy to swap and redistribute licenses as necessary using automated playbooks.

  • No-code automation offers 1,000 automated actions to streamline employee onboarding and off-boarding processes
  • Customers can create custom playbooks with ease based on their business rules and triggers
  • Automation rules ensure every new employee gets the right license and the right level of access for all relevant apps and every employee leaving the organization is securely and automatically de-provisioned from all apps to protect from data access and data breaches
See All 365 Spending including Non-Compliant Purchases
With comprehensive integration, you’ll know how many additional licenses were purchased above and beyond corporate contractual commitments. Auto-increment features automatically flag your true-up costs, comparing your 365 contracts to your actual spending. This way it’s easier to see where there is room to negotiate better deals and more favorable contracts leveraging economies of scale.
Tangoe One Platform
Allocate Costs & Manage Chargebacks
When it’s time to hold departments accountable for their costs, Tangoe makes it easy to allocate 365 costs and other SaaS charges across your organization. Customizable features allow you to assign costs according to active users, total users, active users within the last 30 days or manually.
Know the Dollar Value of Your Unused Licenses
Gain deep visibility into 365 spending based on the license type and start date, understanding the overall cost and spend by user. Highlight SaaS waste, defining the dollar value of any unutilized licenses.
Reduce Waste, Seeing Licenses Assigned to Inactive Users
Users are marked inactive based on their status in single sign on (SSO) or human resources management systems (HRMS) and unused licenses can be re-allocated to active users.
Identify Duplicate Licenses
Microsoft 365 E5 includes almost all the features of Enterprise Mobility + Security E3. If a user is assigned both the licenses, then Enterprise Mobility + Security E3 becomes redundant. Tangoe One Cloud for SaaS has features and alerts to help you reduce redundant license allocations, freeing resources for others who need them.
Optimize 365 with Customizable Reports
Optimization reports uncover potential savings, showing unused licenses, under-used licenses and licenses that need to be deprovisioned. Actionable insights also help with resource allocations too.
Forecast and Budget with Accuracy
Customizable features and integration with corporate financial systems make it simple to budget by department or by application and compare current spending against the allocated budget.
Tangoe One Platform
Make Data-Driven Procurement Decisions
With Tangoe, procurement teams can be better prepared for negotiations and renewal discussions with the facts of every license and their predicted future use for anticipated growth.