Have you ever heard the phrase “Time is money?” Well, if there is any truth to that age-old expression, then a lot of IT departments are wasting a notable amount of time managing telecom, cloud, and mobility assets.
In a recent study published by Tangoe and coordinated by leading research firm Vanson Bourne, it was found that 94% of surveyed IT decision makers’ (ITDMs) average working week is currently dedicated to technology expense and asset management processes and related activities. What’s more, around 29% of their average working week is allocated specifically to related manual processes. That’s a whole lot of time … and money.
With ITDMs losing more than one day a week on average to manual tasks, it goes without saying that addressing this pinch point could see some of the current burden alleviated, especially as 83% of respondents report their IT departments are already feeling the pressure to deliver more with less.
The first step toward positive change is acknowledgment and recognition of pinch points currently faced, so it’s promising that surveyed IT leaders are cognizant of the issues at hand. But how can IT teams pull themselves out from under the heap of time-consuming manual processes? Automation. When asked, more than eight in ten (85%) report that eliminating manual processes would allow IT to focus on more purposeful work. According to the research, automation is where organizations will likely gravitate in the event of a recession in the near future. Therefore, expense and asset management solutions fueled by innovative frameworks optimized in security and a simplified inventory are only going to bring positive change for organizations feeling the pressures of doing more for less. Simply put, it’s time for companies to stop wasting and start automating.
To read the full report, please click here.