Securing Your Saas

Having a comprehensive and holistic view of the applications your business is using is essential to gaining the security posture you need to protect your intellectual property.  Cloud cost optimization can produce more savings than you may realize.

While more than 97% of organizations use SaaS, a Nemertes research study found that only 62% have ANY defined governance for cloud. Which begs the question: Do I know were ALL my customer data is? Do I even know where all my services or apps are? Too often, the answer is no. Oftener still, the answer is a confident— and incorrect—yes.

Nemertes Promises in the Dark Optimizing SaaS Report

Here's what you'll learn:

The Philosophy of SaaS Security

With the proliferation of SaaS by nearly every business, companies are taking a closer look at the security.

Mitigation of Shadow IT

The financial, operational, and cybersecurity risks of SaaS applications and how to avoid them.


It’s not “either, or”, you need both.